Saturday, May 22, 2010

It will never be the same again

Time moves on and things change everyday, nothing will ever be the same.
Pessimism is for yesterday, optimism is for today and tomorrow.
Forget about the missed stops, and think about the future destinations you have to reach.
Not every destination you see will be the "designated destination", thus you gotta keep
moving on to the next and keep knocking on the next door or opportunity.
Once you threw a chance away, you can't take it back.
The only way left is to work harder and wait for the next to come by.
Set your goals in the front and don't turn to look back, running forward while turning the head back will only cause you to trip and hurt yourself.
There will always be a point of time in life when all good things come to an end, people part ways and set off in different paths thereafter.
It's better to be independent and exist for yourself. Focus on yourself first. Only when you can fully take care of yourself then can you look out for others.
Self above all.

Looks easy, try it yourself.