Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Newbie Photographer~

I'm so excited. Today is the first time I did a proper photography project. Very first and very heavy responsibility of being the photog of my god bro's wedding ceremony.

There were hipcups along the way, but managed to tide through and pop up with one or two interesting pictures miraculously. :) thanks to the spontaenous and brilliant suggestions contributed by the participants.

Hope you guys enjoyed the pictures as much as I do.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Welcome to my Secret Garden Ladies

It's been awhile since I cropped my hair super short. Got a razor cut recently and it prompted me to start exuding some manliness again.

Although it is still a far cry from sexy manliness, I'm trying harder. Especially for my fair ladies~

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How many wrongs does it take to make a right?

Orez. Gnorw lliw reven etauqe ot a thgir. Tnod estaw ruoy emit gniyrt.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Simple is Beauty

It's been awhile over the years. I guess most of us have graduated from blogspots to other more interactive options of social media, say twitter or tumbler? Even Facebook is too old school now.

I spent some time reading through my older posts. I am truly surprised that my younger self was a 'genius' in certain sense. I had a way with words. Simple and to essence. Till this day,I could even relive the moment I had felt years back in time.

Have I changed? Have I forgotten? Have I chosen to escape? These past fews years in work society has dulled my senses. I no longer feel as intellect and sharp. I feel ashamed. I feel like a retard and dimwit! I haven't matured a single bit. Not enough.

Words cut. They hurt. I've grown old and forgetful. I have becomed too comfortable with the temporary comfort. I have greed. I indulgded in what did not belonged to me. Now I shall have to pay the price.