Sunday, September 27, 2009

Dai Wo Zou - Rainie Yang Cheng Ling

Sometimes I still think back. I tried to stop myself but somehow I would still unconsciously.
Because you might be leaving, I wanted to follow you. However, I know that it is selfish and
a crazy thing to do. But because it was you, I believed and wanted to try hard. Well, I did prepare
myself for the worst.

Ironically, in the end, you did not leave, but I still had to leave you. Why so? Why couldn't I understand you?
or you didn't want me to understand? Was I not giving you enough space? Perhaps it's all too late now.
It is time you needed, so you said.

There is lesser storms clouds now, but occasionally there is still a drizzle. It can't be helped.
I'll do my crying in the rain~(by 5566)

There was only a simple thing I wanted you to do for me, but you didn't. *erased*

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